ClimateCHIP provides two separate pages for you to find climate data in any part of this planet. (additional pages with estimated health risks are under development) You can search for, and/or click on any spot in the world on a Google map and select the corresponding grid-cell. ClimateCHIP will show you climatic data for that grid-cell, such as minimum, mean, and maximum temperatures, dew point (i.e. absolute humidity), as well as the WBGT and UTCI heat stress indices. You can view the data for any specific month, the annual average, or the annual profile from January to December.
Your Area Today
View historic, real recorded climate data from 1980 until recently (2011). This data has been compiled by the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia, UK by combining, validating and interpolating available weather station data into a global grid. The ClimateCHIP team has calculated and added the relevant Heat Stress Indices.
Your Area Tomorrow
This page displays the main currently available future climate projections. The most recent climate models are based on Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP). Various researching teams have built their models and calculated them using these RCPs. This webpage gives you user-friendly access to these 100-year calculations on a world-map-scale at one glance. It contains data for some of the leading models, but not all RCPs are currently covered. (Missing RCPs are being added as the data is being processed; so please visit this webpage for updates).