
Socio-cultural reflections on heat in Australia with implications for health and climate change adaptation

Banwell C, Dixon J, Bambrick H. Edwards F, Kjellstrom T

Background : Australia has a hot climate with maximum summer temperatures in its major cities frequently exceeding 35°C. Although ‘heat waves’ are an annual occurrence, the associated heat-related deaths among vulnerable groups, such as older people, suggest that Australians could be better prepared to deal with extreme heat. Objective : To understand ways in which a vulnerable sub-population adapt their personal behaviour to cope with heat within the context of Australians’ relationship with heat.

Heat stress causes substantial labour productivity loss in Australia

Zander KK, Botzen WJW, Oppermann E, Kjellstrom T, Garnett ST

Heat stress at the workplace is an occupational health hazard that reduces labour productivity. Assessment of productivity loss resulting from climate change has so far been based on physiological models of heat exposure. These models suggest productivity may decrease by 11–27% by 2080 in hot regions such as Asia and the Caribbean, and globally by up to 20% in hot months by 2050. Using an approach derived from health economics, we describe self-reported estimates of work absenteeism and reductions in work performance caused by heat in Australia during 2013/2014.

Heat Stress in Australia

Prezi presentation on Heat Stress in Australia ANU November 2012 Theory bubble: why temperature by itself doesn’t adequately measure heat stressIndex Comparison bubble: Comparing Different Heat indexes for AustraliaConsequences bubble: Health and productivity loss from heat stressFuture predictions bubble:  GCM models to predict heat stress in Australia in 2030 and 2050Collecting Data bubble:  Methods used to collect current data on heat stressGIS data bubble:  Examples of GIS output for Australia now and in futureStation Data bubble: Using daily and hourly station data to calculate heat stress

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